Diabetes Diary

Kelsey's diary about living life with type 1 diabetes.

Monday, November 20, 2006

My weekend, Part 1

First of all, thank you for all the nice comments on our gala photo! I made my husband read the comments, and I'm pretty sure he's getting a fat head over the whole thing!

This weekend ended up being very "diabetes focused."

On Friday afternoon, I took a traffic-filled drive up to Encinitas to be interviewed about using an insulin pump. None other than Diabetes Psychiatrist extraordinaire Bill Polonsky of the Behavioral Diabetes Institute interviewed me at his home. My interview will be used along with many others to form a video about people's apprehensions to beginning pump therapy. Dr. Polonksy asked me all about my fears regarding the pump (of which there were many!), what finally "clicked" for me, and how it's been working out. The crew was really nice and supportive. We had to deal with the occasional plane flying overhead, truck backing up, and construction noises, since we were filming outside. This made it challenging because I kept having to stop in mid-thought and then had to remember what I was saying!

What a great experience!

It always makes me feel, I don't know, special I guess, to be around people who are working on something diabetes related. I'm all of the sudden the "expert" in the room, or at least the one living with the disease. Having someone ask me about the mental and emotional side of diabetes was very cool too. It's something that often gets pushed aside in the never-ending quest for good blood sugar control.

I told Dr. Polonsky about my google search for him and how Dr. Glaseroff was my first "diabetes doctor." He thought this was pretty cool too! They've been friends for years, so he wanted to know my opinion of him as a doctor. I loved Dr. Glaseroff, so it was pretty much a love fest! After the interview we tried to call my old doc, but couldn't get a hold of him. What a small world :)

My husband got to meet Dr. Polonsky at the TCOYD Conference the very next day... more on that tomorrow!


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