My life lately
I don't have one cohesive topic to discuss, so here's my lazy bullet point list:
- After nearly a month of pumping, I've discovered that Socrates was right: "The wisest is she who knows that she does not know." Basically I've decided to forget everything I knew about controlling my diabetes with injections and let the pump teach me how it works. Three times in the last week I had heavy dinners with a good about of fat, carbs and protein. Had perfect blood sugars upon going to bed and woke up in the night super HIGH! Oh, that's what a combo bolus is for... duly noted. I'm still learning a lot.
- On Sunday I saw an old high school friend at church. This is kinda cool because I live 800 miles away from where I went to high school, and my old classmate lives in Los Angeles (he went to college at UCSD, so he visits frequently). Anyway, this is also cool because he has type 1 diabetes too! We dated (you know the "going out" kind of dating) our freshman year of high school when I had diabetes and he didn't. We weren't very close during our sophomore and junior years, but then senior we started chatting again in Physics class. Just before Christmas that year, he was diagnosed with type 1. I visited him in the hospital and we've shared that "diabetic bond" ever since. He's been pumping forever, and I always felt sort of embarrassed for not being on the pump, so I was REALLY excited to see him last week. I showed him my pump proudly. Turns out he's got the Minimed CGMS with the upgraded pump... very cool.
- I just turned in my rough draft of about half my thesis to my committee chair. Keeping my fingers crossed that his comments are constructive, and that he's basically pleased with it!!
- I've been listening to my friend's CD on repeat for the last couple weeks. Another friend from my hometown, she's currently finalizing her first studio album from Epic records. She's phenomenal!! I was so excited to see her live in San Diego a few weeks ago. It's very cool to see someone you've known as a child, succeed in something they're so gifted at. In junior high we lined up next to one another in gym class- her last name is Bareilles and mine was Barnum- so we were paired up a lot. I remember asking her to sing me "Total Eclipse of the Heart" all the time, she's always had a gorgeous voice. Well, now she's got the voice and an amazing song writing talent. She graduated from UCLA with a degree in communications and she uses words in her lyrics that you'd never imagine being in a song... and it works beautifully. Anyway, her name is Sara Bareilles and hopefully you'll be hearing of her soon :)
- My sister's dog is having puppies around Thanksgiving. She and her fiance bred their two German Shorthair Pointers, really great dogs. I want one of the puppies, but we live on the 6th floor of a highrise building downtown, not a great dog place. Time to start thinking about settling somewhere bigger... and more permanent.
- To end this brain dump on a diabetic note... after all the trouble with dinner boluses last week, I really focused and had a great result last night. We had meat loaf and baby red potatoes, I did a combo bolus 50/50 over 2 and 1/2 hours. At bedtime I was 124 mg/dl, at 3 a.m. 98 mg/dl, had 2 oz O.J. and woke up at 6:30 a.m. at 113 mg/dl. WOW, I love this pump!! :)
At 2:24 PM,
Sarah said…
I’m so glad that the pump is working out for you. It is a lot of time and work invested initially, but the results can be so good!
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