Meme of Threes
I borrowed this meme from Kerri. Felt like a good post for a Friday!
Three Things I Do Every Day:
Test my blood, kiss my husband, say "I love you."
Three Things I Wish I Could Do Every Day:
See my mom, dad, sister, brother and best friend; make someone smile; make a difference
Three Hopes I Have for Today:
That I have something worthwhile to contribute to Dr. Polonky's pump therapy project, a successful basal test tonight, and to be re-inspired to work on my thesis this weekend.
Three Things I Hear:
My coworker chatting, the air conditioning system humming (it's been 80 degrees all week!), and the photos from our Firm holiday party downloading.
Three Ways I Have Changed my Life:
Matured emotionally, moved to San Diego on my own, followed my heart.
Three People I Wish I Could See Again:
Justin Keele, my father-in-law Jesus (whom I never met) and my Papa.
Three Items I Wish I Owned:
A CGMS (Definitely Kerri!), the entire set of the Great Books and a puppy!
Three Wishes I Had When I Was Young:
To be a Supreme Court Justice (honestly, Sandra Day O'Connor was my hero!), that diabetes would be cured, and live happily ever after!
Three Fears I Have:
Losing someone I love, failing, becoming jaded with the world.
Three Things on My Desk:
Lots of pictures of my husband and me, my Suzy's Zoo calendar, a copy of the Serenity Prayer.
Three Thoughts in My Mind:
I can't wait for my mom to arrive on Tuesday! Have those pictures finished loading yet?
I'm so ready for the weekend and the TCOYD Conference tomorrow!!
Three Things I Do Every Day:
Test my blood, kiss my husband, say "I love you."
Three Things I Wish I Could Do Every Day:
See my mom, dad, sister, brother and best friend; make someone smile; make a difference
Three Hopes I Have for Today:
That I have something worthwhile to contribute to Dr. Polonky's pump therapy project, a successful basal test tonight, and to be re-inspired to work on my thesis this weekend.
Three Things I Hear:
My coworker chatting, the air conditioning system humming (it's been 80 degrees all week!), and the photos from our Firm holiday party downloading.
Three Ways I Have Changed my Life:
Matured emotionally, moved to San Diego on my own, followed my heart.
Three People I Wish I Could See Again:
Justin Keele, my father-in-law Jesus (whom I never met) and my Papa.
Three Items I Wish I Owned:
A CGMS (Definitely Kerri!), the entire set of the Great Books and a puppy!
Three Wishes I Had When I Was Young:
To be a Supreme Court Justice (honestly, Sandra Day O'Connor was my hero!), that diabetes would be cured, and live happily ever after!
Three Fears I Have:
Losing someone I love, failing, becoming jaded with the world.
Three Things on My Desk:
Lots of pictures of my husband and me, my Suzy's Zoo calendar, a copy of the Serenity Prayer.
Three Thoughts in My Mind:
I can't wait for my mom to arrive on Tuesday! Have those pictures finished loading yet?
I'm so ready for the weekend and the TCOYD Conference tomorrow!!
At 11:50 AM,
Kerri. said…
Awesome threes there, Kelsey!
I wish I had a puppy, too. And then I would wish for someone to potty train the puppy. That's the only part I'm not looking forward to when Chris and I adopt ourselves a dog. :)
Have fun at the TCOYD conference!
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