How Diabetes has Touched my Life...Lately
Each and every day diabetes touches our lives through blood tests, boluses, carb counts and decision making. I'm always interested in the less routine ways that diabetes gets incorporated into our day to day, very busy lives.
(1) Quarterly blood test for my A1c. As previous posts have illustrated, getting my blood drawn is somewhat upsetting for me. I've passed out several times and now I just lay down each time! Today I was freezing cold in the lab, so my rolly-polly veins were even more illusive than usual. The lab tech (who's awesome) asked me if I'd had much water lately (the answer was "not really") because I guess being dehydrated makes blood draws even more difficult? Anyway, blood was drawn, and I've bought myself 3 more months before I have to go through that again!
(2) I've been emailing back and forth with a Dr. Bill who's organizing a video project to help diabetics decide if they want to start pumping. He's interviewing current pumpers about their experience, fears before starting the pump, etc. I'm really excited to participate! The interview will be next Friday, so I'll give you the scoop then.
His latest email explained that the location of the shoot isn't decided yet, but it might be at his home. Hmmm. I don't know this guy... maybe I should make sure he's legit. So a quick google search lead me to a familiar site: DiabetesMine. Oh, this is Dr. William Polonsky from the Behavioral Diabetes Institute and the author of Diabetes Burnout (which I have and read!)
Yeah, I'd say he's for real!
As I was surfing this info on Dr. Bill, I found something very cool. Yesterday, down here in Southern California Dr. Polonsky held a seminar with Dr. Alan Glaseroff. Dr. Glaseroff has type 1 himself, lives in works in Humboldt County, and was my first "diabetes doctor" :) How very cool that he and Dr. Polonsky worked together (though not so cool that I missed their seminar yesterday). What a small world this diabetes community is!
(3) On November 18th, my husband and I will be attending the TCOYD San Diego Conference. I've been waiting all year for this weekend! I just missed the conference last year, so I left myself reminders all over my Outlook Calendar to make sure I'd register on time! The coolest thing about this event, is that it's held in downtown San Diego, just a 15-20 minute walk from our apartment! We'll be strolling over to the conference with our Starbucks in hand next Saturday morning.
So, there are a few unique ways that diabetes has been incorporated into my life lately.
I'm excited about two of the three things :)
(1) Quarterly blood test for my A1c. As previous posts have illustrated, getting my blood drawn is somewhat upsetting for me. I've passed out several times and now I just lay down each time! Today I was freezing cold in the lab, so my rolly-polly veins were even more illusive than usual. The lab tech (who's awesome) asked me if I'd had much water lately (the answer was "not really") because I guess being dehydrated makes blood draws even more difficult? Anyway, blood was drawn, and I've bought myself 3 more months before I have to go through that again!
(2) I've been emailing back and forth with a Dr. Bill who's organizing a video project to help diabetics decide if they want to start pumping. He's interviewing current pumpers about their experience, fears before starting the pump, etc. I'm really excited to participate! The interview will be next Friday, so I'll give you the scoop then.
His latest email explained that the location of the shoot isn't decided yet, but it might be at his home. Hmmm. I don't know this guy... maybe I should make sure he's legit. So a quick google search lead me to a familiar site: DiabetesMine. Oh, this is Dr. William Polonsky from the Behavioral Diabetes Institute and the author of Diabetes Burnout (which I have and read!)
Yeah, I'd say he's for real!
As I was surfing this info on Dr. Bill, I found something very cool. Yesterday, down here in Southern California Dr. Polonsky held a seminar with Dr. Alan Glaseroff. Dr. Glaseroff has type 1 himself, lives in works in Humboldt County, and was my first "diabetes doctor" :) How very cool that he and Dr. Polonsky worked together (though not so cool that I missed their seminar yesterday). What a small world this diabetes community is!
(3) On November 18th, my husband and I will be attending the TCOYD San Diego Conference. I've been waiting all year for this weekend! I just missed the conference last year, so I left myself reminders all over my Outlook Calendar to make sure I'd register on time! The coolest thing about this event, is that it's held in downtown San Diego, just a 15-20 minute walk from our apartment! We'll be strolling over to the conference with our Starbucks in hand next Saturday morning.
So, there are a few unique ways that diabetes has been incorporated into my life lately.
I'm excited about two of the three things :)
At 8:28 PM,
Scott K. Johnson said…
How TOTALLY COOL!!! I love Dr. Polonsky's work!
What a very neat opportunity for you!
I have really loved both TCOYD conferences that were here in Minneapolis a few years ago. They are a lot of fun, very informative, and well worth whatever the admission price is. Dr. Steve Edelman (sp?) is just a hoot. A real guy who really gets it.
Great stuff.
At 5:17 AM,
Kassie said…
That's too funny. I've met Dr. Bill a few times and think he's pretty darn cool.
I was supposed to go to TCOYD in SD next weekend. Now I'm bummed that I can't! :(
At 2:48 PM,
Minnesota Nice said…
I have been to one TCOYD conference and they always managed to find the best speakers. (Yeah, and I still have my canvas tote-bag).
Dr. Edelman is such a great guy and has had his own personal struggles with DB and still keeps striving to make it better for all of us.
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