Firm Gala
Last weekend my office had their "holiday party." Kinda early, I know, but with all the businesses in San Diego trying to have their parties on the few weekends in December, it can get tricky to find a cool place.
Anyway, it was pretty fun! I know these things are notorious for being awkward, or places were one or two inappropriate people get really drunk... but it was actually fun. I've worked there for a couple years now, so my husband has meet some of my coworkers. He chatted about sports with my friend's fiance, so he was happy! There was a casino night too! I've only played blackjack a couple times, in Reno mostly, but I'm really good. Well, really lucky I guess is more like it. We'll have to plan a Vegas trip soon!
I used my "thigh thingie" to hold my pump under my pretty dress. Worked out well! The pump helped me keep my blood sugars under control, not perfectly, but at least no lows. I had my share of wine, but skipped the dessert. Whenever I indulged in alcohol in the past, I would have a low that night and have to cut my insulin boluses by a lot the next day. With the pump, I just set a temp basal and woke up with a fasting blood sugar of 84 mg/dl. Yeah!
All in all it was a very nice evening! Here's a picture of me and my hubby :)
At 2:10 PM,
Kerri. said…
Sounds like a fantastic night!
And you and your hubby are such a handsome couple!! :)
At 5:47 PM,
Scott K. Johnson said…
Great picture! Thanks for sharing.
Those office parties can be so strange can't they?
You guys look fantastic! Your hubby looks like a guy who is easy to hang out with - relaxed, pretty laid back, etc. We'll have to be sure to hang out whenever we organize a big OC get together!
I hope you enjoy the TCOYD conference - I just love them!
At 7:21 PM,
Minnesota Nice said…
That's a lovely photo - beautiful smiles.
At 8:25 PM,
Major Bedhead said…
Awww, you guys are cute.
I'm such a dork, I read Firm Gala and thought you were going to do a post about apples. The whole time I'm thinking, "So, when does she talk about the fruit?" Yeah. D-O-R-K.
At 9:27 PM,
Allison said…
You, missy, are GORGEOUS! Seriously.
And for some reason your husband still looks familiar. It could be the fact that I've seen pictures of him before, so maybe that's registering, but I swear he looks like someone I've seen before. Have no idea who.
And yes, it irritates the hell out of me.
At 5:06 AM,
Major Bedhead said…
Allison, I thought that, too. He looks like someone from the tv or the movies.
At 12:10 PM,
Kassie said…
what a great picture!
Looking forward to your TCOYD report...
At 3:23 PM,
Minnesota Nice said…
Actually, I immediately thought he looked like Alec Baldwin.......
At 4:51 PM,
Lyrehca said…
You guys are a cute couple!
At 2:57 PM,
Johnboy said…
Hey, Kelsey! Great to put a face with a post.
It's funny how guys can chat with anyone about sports. It's like universal guyspeak!
Sounds like you guys had fun.
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