Five Random Facts About Me
Thanks Johnboy for tagging me :)
1.) Yesterday was my second wedding anniversary! My husband and I took the day off from work and explored the adorable little mining town of Julian, about an hour northeast of San Diego. We had a beautiful day, and it was so relaxing!!
2.) I love Suzy's Zoo stuff! I always send her cards to people and have calendar's all over the place. I just love how cheerful the characters are. It's become my signature thing!
3.) When I was 16 years old and had only been a licensed driver for a month or so, my family was on a ski trip in Bend, Oregon. I was driving our family van with my parents, brother and sister in the car when we hit black ice. I tried to correct, but kept overcorrecting. I then slammed on the breaks and we did two 360's before coming to a stop facing oncoming traffic. Everyone was fine, but it was VERY scary! My little brother never let me hear the end of it.
4.) I love to sing. I'm not very good at it, espeically compared to actual singers like my mom and my best friend. But I love it anyway. My favorite part of mass each week is grabbing the music book to see what songs were singing that day! My husband endulges me and asks, "What're we singing?" first thing when we slide into the pew!
5.) I don't know what my natural hair color is anymore. I've been coloring it pretty much since high school and now, at almost 27 years old, I'm trying to find out it's natural color! It's some shade of light to medium brown with some red mixed in. The quest continues....
That was tougher than I thought it would be... I couldn't think of anything about myself this morning!! It's my Monday, that's my excuse.
So, now I tag: Caren and LaLa. Enjoy :)
1.) Yesterday was my second wedding anniversary! My husband and I took the day off from work and explored the adorable little mining town of Julian, about an hour northeast of San Diego. We had a beautiful day, and it was so relaxing!!
2.) I love Suzy's Zoo stuff! I always send her cards to people and have calendar's all over the place. I just love how cheerful the characters are. It's become my signature thing!
3.) When I was 16 years old and had only been a licensed driver for a month or so, my family was on a ski trip in Bend, Oregon. I was driving our family van with my parents, brother and sister in the car when we hit black ice. I tried to correct, but kept overcorrecting. I then slammed on the breaks and we did two 360's before coming to a stop facing oncoming traffic. Everyone was fine, but it was VERY scary! My little brother never let me hear the end of it.
4.) I love to sing. I'm not very good at it, espeically compared to actual singers like my mom and my best friend. But I love it anyway. My favorite part of mass each week is grabbing the music book to see what songs were singing that day! My husband endulges me and asks, "What're we singing?" first thing when we slide into the pew!
5.) I don't know what my natural hair color is anymore. I've been coloring it pretty much since high school and now, at almost 27 years old, I'm trying to find out it's natural color! It's some shade of light to medium brown with some red mixed in. The quest continues....
That was tougher than I thought it would be... I couldn't think of anything about myself this morning!! It's my Monday, that's my excuse.
So, now I tag: Caren and LaLa. Enjoy :)
At 11:55 AM,
Minnesota Nice said…
Happy 2 years and one day anniversary!
At 12:18 PM,
Kerri. said…
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!!
And No. 5 made me laugh. I know plenty of people who aren't sure what their natural color is. :)
At 3:18 PM,
Sandra Miller said…
Happy 2nd Anniversary!
And what a lovely way to celebrate the day...
At 6:30 PM,
Kassie said…
Happy Anniversary!
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