My Michelle!

I've always appreciated seeing pictures of the folks in the O.C. and I realized that none of you have seen one of me... (I'm in the pink!)
The only picture I had handy is of me and my best friend Michelle. I figured this is a good time to talk about my support system a bit.
I have been unbelievably blessed with friends and family who have the perfect balance of support and respect for my disease. They're the first to tell me how well I handle my diabetes. On the other hand, they never nag me or ask "Should you be eating that?" I really appreciate this, as fellow diabetics can attest!
Michelle was my college roommate for our sophomore, junior and senior years. She'd patiently wait for me to test my blood while everyone else ran off to the dining hall. She'd gently remind me to test my blood while we were enjoying a few cocktails! Michelle never complained when I turned on my light at 3 a.m. to test my blood, or staggered around trying to find something to eat!
Besides her attention to my diabetes stuff, she's just the dearest friend. Even know that we live 500 miles apart, with a quick phone call I can feel right back home in our friendship. She works at a middle school run by the Christian Brothers as a counselor. I strongly believe everyone should have a best friend that's a trained counselor, it's quite a gift! But as she told me the other day when I called her upset and said, "I need a counselor." She replied, "No, you need a friend!" She's the best.