Diabetes Diary

Kelsey's diary about living life with type 1 diabetes.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The rollercoaster...

In diabetes lingo, the rollercoaster effect is to be avoided at all coasts. Swinging sugars is another way to describe the giant fluctuations in blood sugars during a day.

What I experienced this week is different, a sloooowww rollercoaster if you will.

So, after boasting about my beautiful blood sugars last week... I proceed to skip my exercise Saturday morning and lay on the beach for five hours. From 9 a.m to 2 p.m., in San Diego, in July, with only one application of sunscreen (but it was 45 SPF!) I think you can see where this is going... SUNBURN!!

This was the worst sunburn of my life. The kind that pretty much ups your risk of skin cancer by a thousand percent!

I never even considered how my irresponsible sun care might effect my blood sugars.

The thing is when you're THAT burnt, you can't put on clothes, which makes going out of the house and being active, fairly unlikely :) Instead I spent the rest of Saturday, all day Sunday and all day Monday (I stayed home from work!) sitting in my living room.

This period of low activity corresponded with my humalog going bad. I can NEVER even finish half a vial before it goes bad. I guess it's good that my insulin needs are low, but it always seems so wasteful to toss half a vial!

So, Sunday through Tuesday my blood sugars were atrocious!

Luckily, after a workout this morning and a new vial of humalog, I've been in the 90s for the past 7 hours! :)

I'm starting to realize about this disease that things are ALWAYS changing. And trends are big. But trends change very quickly, so it does no good to get worked up over a couple bad numbers (or a week...) inevitably, with a little effort, they get back to normal.

Until another flu shot, vial of bad insulin, stressful day, or a sunburn come to wreak havoc on your management! (those are just some of my blood sugar raisers... I'm sure there are many more!)


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