A pleasing string of blood sugars...
As mentioned below, my swtich to a morning dose of Lantus, instead of a bedtime dosing, has worked great for me! I've been exercising very faithfully and working on keeping my diet low carb and healthy! The results are pleasing:
July 11th
7:00 a.m. 102 mg/dl
8:45 a.m. 163 mg/dl
1:00 p.m. 117 mg/dl
6:30 p.m. 133 mg/dl
8:15 p.m. 73 mg/dl
9:45 p.m. 65 mg/dl
July 12th
4:30 a.m. 67 mg/dl
7:00 a.m. 119 mg/dl
12:00 p.m. 173 mg/dl
4:30 p.m. 86 mg/dl
7:00 p.m. 121 mg/dl
10:00 p.m. 138 mg/dl
July 13th
3:00 a.m 97 mg/dl
5:15 a.m. 60 mg/dl
10:00 a.m. 69 mg/dl
12:30 p.m. 97 mg/dl
3:30 p.m. 70 mg/dl
I haven't been above 100 today, and I have eaten moderately, having fruit and yogurt when my blood sugar drops a bit! Nothing below 50 mg/dl or above 200 mg/dl in the last few days! I was typically having lows in the 30s and 40s when I did my Lantus at 10 p.m.
I can see that I'm a little higher than I'd like to be around late morning, that's when the Lantus hasn't quite kicked in to full gear yet. I'll have to think about a higher insulin:carb ratio for breakfast.
Thanks for endulging me, this is very exciting :)
July 11th
7:00 a.m. 102 mg/dl
8:45 a.m. 163 mg/dl
1:00 p.m. 117 mg/dl
6:30 p.m. 133 mg/dl
8:15 p.m. 73 mg/dl
9:45 p.m. 65 mg/dl
July 12th
4:30 a.m. 67 mg/dl
7:00 a.m. 119 mg/dl
12:00 p.m. 173 mg/dl
4:30 p.m. 86 mg/dl
7:00 p.m. 121 mg/dl
10:00 p.m. 138 mg/dl
July 13th
3:00 a.m 97 mg/dl
5:15 a.m. 60 mg/dl
10:00 a.m. 69 mg/dl
12:30 p.m. 97 mg/dl
3:30 p.m. 70 mg/dl
I haven't been above 100 today, and I have eaten moderately, having fruit and yogurt when my blood sugar drops a bit! Nothing below 50 mg/dl or above 200 mg/dl in the last few days! I was typically having lows in the 30s and 40s when I did my Lantus at 10 p.m.
I can see that I'm a little higher than I'd like to be around late morning, that's when the Lantus hasn't quite kicked in to full gear yet. I'll have to think about a higher insulin:carb ratio for breakfast.
Thanks for endulging me, this is very exciting :)
At 6:50 PM,
LaLa said…
Yay for great blood sugars!!! I'm glad moving the Lantus to AM worked for you. I always took mine at 5 PM because that was the easiest time for me to remember each day. After reading about your experiences, I think I might have noticed better control by having it in the morning. I guess it varies with each person, though.
Thank you for your comments on my blog about relationships. I think it's been very hard for me to be objective with each group because I am so emotional about the issues that have come up. Your comments made perfect sense, though; I need to take a step back and really look at what's really being said and what's really happening. I think my relationship with my parents and with my fiance would be SOOO different if I had my own place and didn't live at home. I think that raises the ante - so to speak - in many ways. I've stayed home this long because I wanted to save money, and it's b een great, but it may not have been the healthiest move overall. Oh well, live and learn...!
I hope the AM Lantus continues to work well for you!
Take care!
At 9:57 PM,
Allison said…
I'm glad the Lantus is working so well for you, but you've still gone low at least twice a day for 3 days... that's not good either! You might want to take a look at that while you're in adjustment mode.
At 11:29 AM,
Kelsey said…
Very true Allison!
I ran 5 miles with my husband on Wednesday evening, so I was running low ALL DAY Thursday (I had another one around 5:45 pm) So I must remember that I need even less insulin after hard workouts.
The thing with me and lows is that I feel them REALLY well, but they aren't BAD. Does that make sense? I can tell I'm low, but I just eat a piece of fruit and feel fine, thus I don't consider 70 mg/dl a low. It's been great that I've eliminated the 30-50 mg/dl lows, which I was experiencing nearly daily before!!
Living with parents as an adult must be tricky. They feel justified in having a parental say in your life when you're ready to be an adult. I'm sure the dynamic will change once you're out of the house.
Good luck with everything!
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