Random Thoughts on a Thursday...
- Today I tested my blood on my pinkie finger for the first time! I figured if I'm gearing up for the pump, I shouldn't hold on to my childish fears of venturing beyond the middle and ring fingers for finger sticks.
- The Miami Dolphins kick off the NFL football season tonight against the Superbowl Champs. Oh, how I pray the Dolphins win tonight and have a good season. Our home is no longer mourning the Hurricane's loss Monday night... but we really can't take another this week!
- I'm feeling like things are falling into place with my thesis research. I've gotten in touch with some residents of the neighborhood I'm studying. They've embraced me and my project, for which I'm very grateful. Hopefully they'll do well tonight in their meeting with the city and developers!
- I've jumped through another hoop in the administrative side of finishing a thesis... I'm now officially signed up for my thesis courses!
- Work is busy and I probably shouldn't have spent the last hour researching insulin pumps online, but I was inspired by Johnboy's post about receiving his! Inspired, envious... whatever :)
- I'd really rather be with my husband at the San Diego Zoo today than sitting in the office! When he called a few hours ago, he exclaimed "I'm looking at this baby monkey and he's SOOO cute!" No honey, you're so cute.
- Finally, if you have any pump raves or complaints, please feel free to share them. I'm taking an informal survey to aid in my decision process :) Thanks for your help!
- Tomorrow is FRIDAY... you gotta love short weeks!
At 3:18 PM,
Scott K. Johnson said…
Hey Kelsey,
I use all my fingers (except my thumb. Can that even be counted as a finger?). I posted about it back in May. However, I must admit to using exclusively my right hand. And, no, I don't have a logical explanation for that.
I've used pumps from three different companies (Disetronic, Minimed (now Medtronic), and Smiths Medical (Cozmo)), and have not had any problems with any of them.
I did have a billing issue with the big "M", and I didn't like the resolution to the issue.
In my opinion all of the pumps will do the basics just fine (deliver basal and bolus insulin). It's going to be a matter of whatever "bells & whistles" you want.
These were big for me: The ability to use any infusion set with a standard "luer lock" connection (as opposed to the proprietary connection on the Medtronic Paradigm pumps), and the ability to have the optional CoZmonitor attached - it's basically a FreeStyle meter that clips on the back of the pump. Adds a little bulk to it, but the benefit of always having my meter available negates the size issue for me.
At 4:21 PM,
Lyrehca said…
I'm with you about not using pinkies. So small. So delicate. Why hurt them further with a lancet? My ring and fourth fingers, though, are super calloused. I don't even ever feel the lancet anymore.
What's your thesis about? Sounds interesting!
At 12:59 AM,
Chrissie in Belgium said…
Yeah the pinkie does eem too weak and feeble - but it went fine, right? I even use my thumb, as of about two years ago. You know, one can also use the top side of the fingers - it does not hurt more! However, I get less blood there. I was surprised about it not hurting. All of this is mentioned in The Diabetes Solution, by Dr Bernstein.
About pumps. I read recently that Cozmo is very soon coming out with a new pump and that all who have the old can get the new one. I think I read it on (www.integrateddiabetes.com), the site of the author Gary Scheiner. He wrote the really good book about pumping - Think Like a Pancreas. What is very interesting is that this pump will be able to give correction boluses calibrated on the bg value. Am I the only one who needs porportionally more insulin to get bg down from 350 to 300 than from 150 to 100? It was mentioned that the new pump could do this! I love my Cozmo, but all the cases suck!
At 11:23 AM,
George said…
I have had a post in my head for a while now where i apologize to my pinky since i have left him off of the "pricking" list for some time and recently started to use him.
Since i started pumping i am testing 8-10 times a day and my other fingers (except my thumb) were overworked.
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