Diabetes and Life
Hi Everyone!
My latest epiphany regarding diabetes care is that blood glucose control can be greatly improved with a bit of effort. Major realization, I know.
Last week my blood sugars were elevated due to a combination of fighting off a cold and my period. I keep coming to the conclusion that I need to up my basals a little late. Next month I'll just set a higher basal during my period and see what happens.
This week I've been doing some basal tests overnight (meaning no snacking before bed), exercising, and logging consistently. The difference in control is incredible! I also set my target BG in my pump to 110 mg/dl instead of the conservative 120 mg/dl that the pump trainer set for me. This alone made a pretty big difference. I'll be setting this down to 100 mg/dl shortly, and then eventually 90 mg/dl next month.
Why the big change to my target? Well, in mid January I have a "pre-conception consultation" with the Diabetes and Pregnancy Group at UCSD! This meeting will be to advise me on the kind of control they'd like to see during pregnancy. Luckily my last four A1c tests have been under 6.3, so I'm good to go to try to conceive. We're excited!
However, before a little one can arrive, I need to finish my master's thesis. I'm pretty far along in the process, but I need to do a final re-write in the next few months. My deadline to complete the study (in order to graduate in May) is April 2nd. Wish me luck!
Other big things are coming up too:
My sister and her fiance both graduate from Cal Poly (her with a Masters and him with his Bachelors) in mid-June.
Their wedding is mid-July at our family ranch in northern California. They're expecting 400+! WOW! I'm the matron of honor (I can't believe I'm a "matron" already, but whatever!) and my husband is a groomsmen. We plan to take over a week off work to help out.
The shower that my mom and I are throwing for my sister will likely be sometime in June, but we need to plan it around the graduation.
Then, my brother is getting married at the end of July! Their wedding will be at a winery in St. Helena, which is near Napa, California.
WOW! I'm tired just thinking about it all. However, they're all joyous occasions, and I'm really looking forward to all the time with my family. Especially since my husband and I are having a quiet little Christmas just the two of us this year.
So, amongst all the things I have on my plate, I need to have the BEST diabetes control I've ever had. I'm feeling okay about it though. My new little machine makes achieving this kind of control much easier than injections.
In the end my body and the baby will have to come first, no matter what needs to be done!
My latest epiphany regarding diabetes care is that blood glucose control can be greatly improved with a bit of effort. Major realization, I know.
Last week my blood sugars were elevated due to a combination of fighting off a cold and my period. I keep coming to the conclusion that I need to up my basals a little late. Next month I'll just set a higher basal during my period and see what happens.
This week I've been doing some basal tests overnight (meaning no snacking before bed), exercising, and logging consistently. The difference in control is incredible! I also set my target BG in my pump to 110 mg/dl instead of the conservative 120 mg/dl that the pump trainer set for me. This alone made a pretty big difference. I'll be setting this down to 100 mg/dl shortly, and then eventually 90 mg/dl next month.
Why the big change to my target? Well, in mid January I have a "pre-conception consultation" with the Diabetes and Pregnancy Group at UCSD! This meeting will be to advise me on the kind of control they'd like to see during pregnancy. Luckily my last four A1c tests have been under 6.3, so I'm good to go to try to conceive. We're excited!
However, before a little one can arrive, I need to finish my master's thesis. I'm pretty far along in the process, but I need to do a final re-write in the next few months. My deadline to complete the study (in order to graduate in May) is April 2nd. Wish me luck!
Other big things are coming up too:
My sister and her fiance both graduate from Cal Poly (her with a Masters and him with his Bachelors) in mid-June.
Their wedding is mid-July at our family ranch in northern California. They're expecting 400+! WOW! I'm the matron of honor (I can't believe I'm a "matron" already, but whatever!) and my husband is a groomsmen. We plan to take over a week off work to help out.
The shower that my mom and I are throwing for my sister will likely be sometime in June, but we need to plan it around the graduation.
Then, my brother is getting married at the end of July! Their wedding will be at a winery in St. Helena, which is near Napa, California.
WOW! I'm tired just thinking about it all. However, they're all joyous occasions, and I'm really looking forward to all the time with my family. Especially since my husband and I are having a quiet little Christmas just the two of us this year.
So, amongst all the things I have on my plate, I need to have the BEST diabetes control I've ever had. I'm feeling okay about it though. My new little machine makes achieving this kind of control much easier than injections.
In the end my body and the baby will have to come first, no matter what needs to be done!
At 11:24 AM,
Scott K. Johnson said…
Wow - you do have a LOT going on!! I'm feeling overwhelmed and worn out just reading it all!
But it all sounds like great family events and happy celebrations all around.
Sounds like you are doing really great with those A1C's, and I bet things would go super with a pregnancy.
At 11:46 AM,
Sarah said…
I never planned a pregnancy and I wonder what it would be like? It seems like you have a lot going on!
At 12:33 PM,
Lyrehca said…
To be honest, even if you get pregnant in January, you'll still be in your first trimester when your thesis is due, so the many doc's appointments shouldn't be that intrusive. Then again, if you have morning sickness/nausea, that may affect how you feel about finishing on time. But honestly, since you have no idea how long it'll take you to get pregnant, just do whatever you need to do in the meantime and see how it goes. Good luck!
At 1:37 PM,
Allison said…
Kelsey! I need your address for christmas card stat! Email amblass@gmail.com! Thanks!
Exclamation marks are fun!
At 11:37 PM,
Sasha said…
What exciting news! Good luck!
At 11:40 PM,
Sasha said…
What exciting news! Good luck!
At 11:40 PM,
Sasha said…
What exciting news! Good luck!
At 11:41 PM,
Sasha said…
What exciting news! Good luck!
At 11:41 PM,
Sasha said…
What exciting news! Good luck!
At 11:42 PM,
Sasha said…
What exciting news! Good luck!
At 7:32 AM,
Erica said…
Wow! You are a busy lady!
Good luck with your pre-conception appt! Another OC baby -YAY
At 7:39 PM,
laurenCDE said…
Hey kelsey
What is your email?
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