Welcome 2007!
I'm not big on New Year's resolutions. Mostly because they're a bit cliche and most people are over them by Valentine's Day. Why resolve to do something on January 1st, that could've as easily been started last week or two months ago? The idea of "starting over" in a new year hasn't resonated much for me in the past. However, for some reason, this year I'm very much feeling like the changing years marks something important in my life. I can look back on 2006 with many wonderful memories, and great successes like starting the pump! Many of the emotional, spiritual and physical changes that I experienced in 2006 have set me up for what's to come in 2007 and beyond.
So, this year, my goal, focus... resolution, if you will, is Discipline.
Huh?! Doesn't sound so great does it?
Let me explain my interpretation of discipline. I share Julie Andrews' view:
The only way I can accomplish these goals is to stay disciplined. I must go to Starbucks (or the Library I suppose!) each afternoon after work to study and write my thesis. It doesn't matter if I don't feel like it that particular day, I must go if I want to meet my deadline.
On the diabetes front, we all know how important discipline is... choosing to log my blood sugars, food and insulin; exercising regularly, choosing healthy foods and resisting the treats.
Also, my husband and I are trying to reach some financial goals this year, which means budgeting properly and not spending unnecessarily.
All of these goals reinforce one another to a certain extent. If I plan my lunches ahead of time by grocery shopping for healthy items to take to work, I'll be doing well by my body, and saving money by not eating out. Also, by keeping my blood sugars steady, I'll be mentally able to focus on my thesis. And the biggie, if I don't finish my thesis by April, I'll have to pay for another semester of tuition just to turn the thing in!
So, discipline will be my friend this year.
I'll be healthier, in mind and body, when I achieve these goals... and that's freedom afterall, right?!
So, this year, my goal, focus... resolution, if you will, is Discipline.
Huh?! Doesn't sound so great does it?
Let me explain my interpretation of discipline. I share Julie Andrews' view:
I know I've shared this quote here before, but it really fits my goals for 2007. This year, my first priority is to finish my Master's thesis, which is due April 2nd. I'm also preparing my diabetic body for pregnancy. All the while I'll be working full time, planning a bridal shower, attending both of my sibling's weddings, etc. Life is full :)Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.
The only way I can accomplish these goals is to stay disciplined. I must go to Starbucks (or the Library I suppose!) each afternoon after work to study and write my thesis. It doesn't matter if I don't feel like it that particular day, I must go if I want to meet my deadline.
On the diabetes front, we all know how important discipline is... choosing to log my blood sugars, food and insulin; exercising regularly, choosing healthy foods and resisting the treats.
Also, my husband and I are trying to reach some financial goals this year, which means budgeting properly and not spending unnecessarily.
All of these goals reinforce one another to a certain extent. If I plan my lunches ahead of time by grocery shopping for healthy items to take to work, I'll be doing well by my body, and saving money by not eating out. Also, by keeping my blood sugars steady, I'll be mentally able to focus on my thesis. And the biggie, if I don't finish my thesis by April, I'll have to pay for another semester of tuition just to turn the thing in!
So, discipline will be my friend this year.
I'll be healthier, in mind and body, when I achieve these goals... and that's freedom afterall, right?!
At 2:38 PM,
Allison said…
Kelsey, since you're getting ready for pregnancy, I know you're probably trying to lower your A1C. It might be fun if you joined the OC New Me Challenge and set a goal for your A1C for the end of the year. Maybe mid-5s? That would be pretty good! The site is http://ocnewme.blogspot.com. Just email me if you have any questions.
At 5:40 PM,
Minnesota Nice said…
What a totally great quote.
Happy New Year.
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