Dreams... and a Big Announcement
It seems like dreams have been a theme around the O.C. today... Kerri's fiance Chris is dreaming about lows, zombie's and English muffins, while Johnboy had a stressful dream about baseball. I too have been dreaming a lot lately.
In last night's dream, I was breastfeeding my brand new baby. The night before I dreamt that my husband and I were feeding solid food to our newborn, which of course choked the baby and I had to perform CPR on my day old child. Any guess what these dreams mean?!
Yes, I'm pregnant! 10 weeks and 2 days to be exact :)
I've been wanting to tell my OC family, but thought it would be wise to get through the first trimester (well, almost) before sharing the news. I've feeling pretty good about this pregnancy, so I figured I'd go ahead and spill the beans now.
Here's a recap of my pregnancy experience so far:
First of all, the timing couldn't have been better. I officially turned in my MA thesis on May 9th and took the (positive!) pregnancy test that evening! I'm such a planner... it was hysterical that things actually came together all at the same time. My family came down for my graduation a week and a half later, so I got to tell everyone in person, which was really special. Plus, another great timing aspect is that I'll be done with my first trimester at the end of June, just in time to be the Matron of Honor in my sister's HUGE wedding on July 14th. Dennis and I will be in Humboldt County for over a week helping with the final preparations. I'll be 3 1/2 months, so I should be having some energy, but not showing too much yet!
One thing that's great about having a diabetic, "high risk" pregnancy, is all the ultrasounds you get to have done. I already have a dozen pictures of our little one! We've had three separate ultrasounds, with the first one at 6 weeks and 3 days. It's very comforting to get to see the baby, and the heartbeat :) so often.
Morning sickness reared its ugly head early, and I threw up at my desk at work once (in the trash can, luckily!) Since then, I've been sure to eat every three hours or so, which helps a lot with the nausea. Also, taking my prenatal vitamin at bedtime has been a great help!
My most severe symptoms, if you will, have been an incredible sense of smell, and food aversions! Things I used to LOVE, like chicken, for example, now make me totally sick! The most frustrating part is I cannot plan my meals like I used to because I never know what's going to be appetizing from hour to hour. I used to plan meals for the week, cook for my husband and myself, and we were all set. Now Dennis and I are eating different things most nights because some random dish will appeal to me at the last minute. It's very odd.
We're starting to discuss whether or not to find out the gender of our baby. Right now we're leaning towards not finding out and being surprised. Mostly because we don't have a preference either way; we're going to stay in our little one bedroom apartment for at least the baby's first 9 months, so planning a nursery isn't really an issue; and we'd kinda like to have the experience of not finding out once, and we're only planning to have two children. Any thoughts on this issue would be greatly appreciated :)
So, that's the news... We're having a baby!!
In last night's dream, I was breastfeeding my brand new baby. The night before I dreamt that my husband and I were feeding solid food to our newborn, which of course choked the baby and I had to perform CPR on my day old child. Any guess what these dreams mean?!
Yes, I'm pregnant! 10 weeks and 2 days to be exact :)
I've been wanting to tell my OC family, but thought it would be wise to get through the first trimester (well, almost) before sharing the news. I've feeling pretty good about this pregnancy, so I figured I'd go ahead and spill the beans now.
Here's a recap of my pregnancy experience so far:
First of all, the timing couldn't have been better. I officially turned in my MA thesis on May 9th and took the (positive!) pregnancy test that evening! I'm such a planner... it was hysterical that things actually came together all at the same time. My family came down for my graduation a week and a half later, so I got to tell everyone in person, which was really special. Plus, another great timing aspect is that I'll be done with my first trimester at the end of June, just in time to be the Matron of Honor in my sister's HUGE wedding on July 14th. Dennis and I will be in Humboldt County for over a week helping with the final preparations. I'll be 3 1/2 months, so I should be having some energy, but not showing too much yet!
One thing that's great about having a diabetic, "high risk" pregnancy, is all the ultrasounds you get to have done. I already have a dozen pictures of our little one! We've had three separate ultrasounds, with the first one at 6 weeks and 3 days. It's very comforting to get to see the baby, and the heartbeat :) so often.
Morning sickness reared its ugly head early, and I threw up at my desk at work once (in the trash can, luckily!) Since then, I've been sure to eat every three hours or so, which helps a lot with the nausea. Also, taking my prenatal vitamin at bedtime has been a great help!
My most severe symptoms, if you will, have been an incredible sense of smell, and food aversions! Things I used to LOVE, like chicken, for example, now make me totally sick! The most frustrating part is I cannot plan my meals like I used to because I never know what's going to be appetizing from hour to hour. I used to plan meals for the week, cook for my husband and myself, and we were all set. Now Dennis and I are eating different things most nights because some random dish will appeal to me at the last minute. It's very odd.
We're starting to discuss whether or not to find out the gender of our baby. Right now we're leaning towards not finding out and being surprised. Mostly because we don't have a preference either way; we're going to stay in our little one bedroom apartment for at least the baby's first 9 months, so planning a nursery isn't really an issue; and we'd kinda like to have the experience of not finding out once, and we're only planning to have two children. Any thoughts on this issue would be greatly appreciated :)
So, that's the news... We're having a baby!!
At 10:50 AM,
mel said…
Congrats!! Lots of exciting news in the OC these past few months!
At 11:39 AM,
Kerri. said…
YAY!!! I have goosebumps! Congratulations!
At 11:41 AM,
Sarah said…
Congrats! I could not eat or tolerate the smell of chicken my entire pregnancy with my son. I even had trouble thinking about chicken, or commercials about chicken. It was really weird. But post baby, I went back to eating chicken….I have to say, though, chicken has never been the same. I guess after having such a strong aversion to it for so long worked its magic on me.
At 4:53 PM,
Lili said…
At 5:57 PM,
Minnesota Nice said…
I was wondering.........on the meme you said you took prenatal vitamins and thought it had slipped out. Then I thought maybe you were taking them ahead of time.
Congratulations. Take care of yourself.
At 6:35 PM,
If not a mother... said…
At 7:59 PM,
Kassie said…
Congratulations!!! This is soooo amazing - I was just thinking about you and pregnancy this morning. Wacky!
Re finding out - we didn't for the first, and it was nice to have that element of surprise in an otherwise very detailed, thoroughly examined, high risk pregnancy.
At 8:50 AM,
Major Bedhead said…
Whooo! Congratulations!
I had that smell thing and the food aversions, too. It was worse than morning sickness.
At 10:22 AM,
Scott K. Johnson said…
Yay! Congratulations!
That is wonderful news and I am so happy for the three of you!
At 11:04 AM,
Scott S said…
Congratulations! The timing was indeed perfect!
At 9:24 PM,
art-sweet said…
Hope it goes smoothly and healthfully .
At 7:58 AM,
Krystle said…
Dear Kelsey,
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I would like to talk to you about the possibility of blogging for one of HealthCentral.com's Web sites, www.healthcentral.com/diabetes. You have exactly the type of young, honest voice we need on the site, and your experience with Type 1 would be so helpful to our users. We are a company that specializes in providing correct medical and lifestyle info for our users -- David Mendosa, Dr. Bill Quick and Amy Tenderich write on our site.
I couldn't find your e-mail address anywhere! Please e-mail me at kopacz@thcn.com when you have a minute.
Thank you, and again, congrats!
Krystle Kopacz
Web Producer
At 2:56 PM,
Lyrehca said…
Woohoo! Hope it all goes boringly, healthily well!
At 5:39 AM,
Kevin said…
Many congratulations to you and your husband!! It's like a baby bonanza in the OC.
At 5:17 AM,
Dee said…
Congratulations from me too. I am a new diabetes blogger, but I hope to be able to have a baby, not looking too good on the HbA1c front at the mo though, and time is a ticking!!
Best wishes
At 7:13 PM,
Penny Ratzlaff said…
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!
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