Diabetes Diary

Kelsey's diary about living life with type 1 diabetes.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Highs and dreams?!

I dream a lot more when my blood sugar is high. Anyone else experience this?!

I tend to get low at night, particularly when I exercise. Sometimes in my desperate attempts to keep my blood sugar up, I over shoot it and end up high.

How do I know I'm high in the middle of the night? Not only am I thirsty and restless, but I dream a ton! Sometimes they're bad dreams... like last night :( But whether they're nightmares or pleasant dreams, I dream constantly when I'm high.

I have crazy dreams in general. When I tell people my dreams, even folks who are into dream interpretation, they're like "you're just weird!" It's as if my brain just downloads every random thought I've ever had and mixes them up. Quite amusing in the light of day actually :)

So, that's it. My thought for the day is: What's up with dreaming so much when my blood sugar is high?!


  • At 5:22 PM, Blogger Keith said…

    Yea, Kelsey, I dream alot when I'm high. They're really crazy disjointed dreams too. Most of the time they don't make sense at all, but I wake up kinda disturbed for lack of a better word.

    Glad to hear you're holding the streak together inspite of such a tough schedule. Way to go girl!

  • At 1:05 PM, Blogger BetterCell said…

    Hi Kelsey.....The Body will always try to "readjust itself" in an effort to reach homestasis. The best time it does this is during the sleep cycle. Your blood sugar being elevated, sets forth various chemical and hormonal actions in an attempt to again reach homestasis and "renewal". That is why sleep is very important. In your body trying to balance itself (high blood sugar is a form of stress to your body) dreams will result and other biochemical reactions.

  • At 1:02 PM, Blogger Kelsey said…

    Thanks Bettercell... Finally a scientific explanation :)

    Keith! I'm glad I'm not alone in experiencing the high blood sugar dreams. Yes, the streak is going well, how about for you?!

  • At 8:37 PM, Blogger BetterCell said…

    Of cousre, dreams can also result as a product of conflict during our conscious "wake-life" that results from people interaction as well as our emotional responses to stimuli all around us (some good and some not good).


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