Tag, I'm it!
Okay, I'm tagging myself... I have been kinda MIA on the posting lately (too much school and work are my excuses) so I don't blame the OC for forgetting me :) But I've been reading everyone's lists and loving it, so here goes...
Four jobs I’ve had in my life:
Receptionist in a law firm
Teaching Assistant at SDSU
Administrator for the Litigation Department of a CPA office (current)
Four movies I can watch over and over:
Father of the Bride (1 and 2)
Sleepless in Seattle
The American President
40 Year Old Virgin (love Steve Carrell!)
Four places I have lived:
Eureka, CA (born and raised)
Moraga, CA
Oceanside, CA
San Diego, CA
I'm a California girl :)
Four TV shows I love to watch:
The West Wing
The Office
Four places I have been on vacation:
Martinique (the Caribbean)
Okinawa, Japan
Alcapulco, Ixtapa, Manzanillo (honeymoon cruise!)
Four of my favorite foods:
cherry tomatoes
salads with thai peanut dressing
cereal with lots of nonfat milk
Four websites I visit daily:
Six Until Me (I, too, use her as my jumping off point for updated blogs.)
www.justinkeele.com (memorial website)
www.times-standard.com (hometown newspaper)
Four places I'd rather be right now:
In our cozy bed with my hubby!
Eureka, CA hanging out with my mom
Playing with my nephew
Laying on the beach in Ixtapa, Mexico
Four jobs I’ve had in my life:
Receptionist in a law firm
Teaching Assistant at SDSU
Administrator for the Litigation Department of a CPA office (current)
Four movies I can watch over and over:
Father of the Bride (1 and 2)
Sleepless in Seattle
The American President
40 Year Old Virgin (love Steve Carrell!)
Four places I have lived:
Eureka, CA (born and raised)
Moraga, CA
Oceanside, CA
San Diego, CA
I'm a California girl :)
Four TV shows I love to watch:
The West Wing
The Office
Four places I have been on vacation:
Martinique (the Caribbean)
Okinawa, Japan
Alcapulco, Ixtapa, Manzanillo (honeymoon cruise!)
Four of my favorite foods:
cherry tomatoes
salads with thai peanut dressing
cereal with lots of nonfat milk
Four websites I visit daily:
Six Until Me (I, too, use her as my jumping off point for updated blogs.)
www.justinkeele.com (memorial website)
www.times-standard.com (hometown newspaper)
Four places I'd rather be right now:
In our cozy bed with my hubby!
Eureka, CA hanging out with my mom
Playing with my nephew
Laying on the beach in Ixtapa, Mexico
At 10:14 AM,
Allison said…
Do you have a MySpace account? My username is lemonadelife. Add me!
Please. And Thank You.
At 10:41 AM,
Kerri. said…
Thanks for starting your day the Six Until Me way!
And I'll apologize for being that tacky later.
At 7:49 AM,
Andrea said…
Didn't mean to pass you by on the "tag" game... To tell the truth, it's hard to know who has been tagged and who hasn't. Glad you decided to jump in and tag yourself. ;) I enjoy your blog :)
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