The streak is alive... but barely!
So, as I've mentioned previously, my days are literally scheduled to the minute this semester. Trying to fit in this 100 day streak of exercise is actually a bit ludicrous. However, I am loving my blood sugars with all this exercise, so I'm really working to accomplish the streak!
Last night I thought I might end it at 8 days...
Since it was Tuesday, my only free time to fit in a quick workout would be after my class, before dinner, from 7:15-8 p.m. I was sitting in my Latin American History class. We took a ten minute break at 5:20 p.m. I figured I should test so I could ensure a good blood sugar for my post-class workout. I search through my purse and my bag for my little black kit containing my meter. Huh, don't see it.
Now, my kit is black and both bags are black, so this momentary feeling where my heart jumps into my throat as I ponder "where would I have left it?!" hits me just about every other day. I'm getting used to it and just take a breath and slowly search around the bottom of the bag until my hand inevitably lands on the familiar object wedged in the corner. This time that didn't happen.
Darn, I must have left it at work! I vaguely remember testing before I left. Hmm. This stinks. If any of you are familiar with San Diego, you know that it is incredibly spread out! I live, work and go to school (SDSU) all in the city of San Diego. However, we live downtown (south), I work in Scripps Ranch (north) and SDSU is east. The drive from school up to work and back home would take me 35-45 minutes, depending on traffic. That cuts seriously into my workout time. (Plus, I need to get to bed no later that 10 pm so I can get up and do Tae-bo at 5 am the next morning).
I resign myself to having to run back to work for my kit and figure, "I'll start a new streak tomorrow." After class I rush to my car with the small hope that maybe it fell out of my bag when I pulled a notebook out that I didn't need. I open the car door and right there on the driver's seat is my kit!
"Oh right, I tested my blood in the car before walking to class." I'm such a nerd. I'd been convinced that I had to make this totally inconvenient trip up north for my kit and even called my husband to tell him so. Opps.
The next obstacle to overcome was changing my mindset about exercise that night. Since I thought I wouldn't be able to do it, I was kinda okay with restarting the streak and just relaxing that night. Ahh! We really are our own worst enemy! But, I got home and found that my husband had just finished a run, so it was good ol' spousal competition that got me to hit the gym!
So, I got to fit in a 30 minute treadmill workout after all! :)
Counting the tae-bo I did this morning... the streak is alive and well at 10 days!!
Last night I thought I might end it at 8 days...
Since it was Tuesday, my only free time to fit in a quick workout would be after my class, before dinner, from 7:15-8 p.m. I was sitting in my Latin American History class. We took a ten minute break at 5:20 p.m. I figured I should test so I could ensure a good blood sugar for my post-class workout. I search through my purse and my bag for my little black kit containing my meter. Huh, don't see it.
Now, my kit is black and both bags are black, so this momentary feeling where my heart jumps into my throat as I ponder "where would I have left it?!" hits me just about every other day. I'm getting used to it and just take a breath and slowly search around the bottom of the bag until my hand inevitably lands on the familiar object wedged in the corner. This time that didn't happen.
Darn, I must have left it at work! I vaguely remember testing before I left. Hmm. This stinks. If any of you are familiar with San Diego, you know that it is incredibly spread out! I live, work and go to school (SDSU) all in the city of San Diego. However, we live downtown (south), I work in Scripps Ranch (north) and SDSU is east. The drive from school up to work and back home would take me 35-45 minutes, depending on traffic. That cuts seriously into my workout time. (Plus, I need to get to bed no later that 10 pm so I can get up and do Tae-bo at 5 am the next morning).
I resign myself to having to run back to work for my kit and figure, "I'll start a new streak tomorrow." After class I rush to my car with the small hope that maybe it fell out of my bag when I pulled a notebook out that I didn't need. I open the car door and right there on the driver's seat is my kit!
"Oh right, I tested my blood in the car before walking to class." I'm such a nerd. I'd been convinced that I had to make this totally inconvenient trip up north for my kit and even called my husband to tell him so. Opps.
The next obstacle to overcome was changing my mindset about exercise that night. Since I thought I wouldn't be able to do it, I was kinda okay with restarting the streak and just relaxing that night. Ahh! We really are our own worst enemy! But, I got home and found that my husband had just finished a run, so it was good ol' spousal competition that got me to hit the gym!
So, I got to fit in a 30 minute treadmill workout after all! :)
Counting the tae-bo I did this morning... the streak is alive and well at 10 days!!
At 1:13 PM,
Scott K. Johnson said…
Hey Kelsey!
GREAT job on fighting through that mental mindset of skipping the workout!
I think that is a huge key - if you are Ok with skipping and restarting once, it will be that much easier to do it again.
We really are our worst enemy. Well, enemy sounds a bit strong, but we sure are good at self sabotage!
Congratulations on getting out there despite the challenges you faced. That's super awesome.
At 1:22 PM,
Keith said…
I too am enjoying the great bG's that exercise is producing. Way to hang in there girl, I'm pulling for you!
At 10:51 AM,
Andrea said…
WOO HOO! Congrats on continuing on with your exercise streak! I think that's really AWESOME. I know some days are defintely easier than others to find motivation. But whatever the case, the fact is that you are doing it and you should be proud of yourself :)
As for the kit thing, I am notorious for thinking I have forgotten it or lost it somewhere. It usually ends up that it's in some dark abyss of my big, black bag. Plus, my testing supplies never stay in the kit, they usually are floating freely every which way...which makes it even easier to lose something. I've never lost anything yet, but I know I would not be happy if I did. I'd probably go straight into panic mode.
Anyway, hope that you continue with your exercise and all the best :)
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