My diabetes anniversary, a new blog, and a pregnancy update
Today I've had diabetes for 14 years.
I've now had diabetes for more years than I lived without it.
My mom bought me a bunch of maternity clothes to celebrate my anniversary... she's pretty much the only person who makes a big deal of it. Gotta love moms :)
Today the administrative group at work are going on a harbor cruise around San Diego Bay for lunch. Though it's unrelated to my anniversary, I'm enjoying it as a special treat on my "special" day.
My other big news is that I've began a blog on my diabetic pregnancy over at See my first posts, here and here.
I've excited, and a bit nervous because they've designated me the "expert" on diabetes and pregnancy for the site! Krystle, the producer has given me a lot of guidance and made me feel so welcomed, it's already been a wonderful experience.
All is well with the baby and me. I'm really enjoying the second trimester, and generally loving being pregnant. All of the food aversions and nausea had abated, and my energy level is back to normal, or maybe even higher!
Maternity clothes are fun, and I'm really starting to need them around the waist. However, oddly enough, I haven't actually gained any weight yet. My doctor said to relax and be happy about that, when I expressed concern that I hadn't gained the 5-10 pounds all the books recommend. I think that swimming has really helped me stay toned, while obviously some mass is moving to my middle, or else I'd be able to button my pants :)
Blood sugar-wise, my control is pretty darn good. However, every high reading sends me into a bit of a panic, worrying that the little one is being hurt in some way. The doctors have assured me that a solitary high reading isn't going to harm the baby... but still. I'm taking comfort in my latest A1c: 5.0. I guess all the testing and correcting works, even if there are some high blood sugars scattered in there.
I've now had diabetes for more years than I lived without it.
My mom bought me a bunch of maternity clothes to celebrate my anniversary... she's pretty much the only person who makes a big deal of it. Gotta love moms :)
Today the administrative group at work are going on a harbor cruise around San Diego Bay for lunch. Though it's unrelated to my anniversary, I'm enjoying it as a special treat on my "special" day.
My other big news is that I've began a blog on my diabetic pregnancy over at See my first posts, here and here.
I've excited, and a bit nervous because they've designated me the "expert" on diabetes and pregnancy for the site! Krystle, the producer has given me a lot of guidance and made me feel so welcomed, it's already been a wonderful experience.
All is well with the baby and me. I'm really enjoying the second trimester, and generally loving being pregnant. All of the food aversions and nausea had abated, and my energy level is back to normal, or maybe even higher!
Maternity clothes are fun, and I'm really starting to need them around the waist. However, oddly enough, I haven't actually gained any weight yet. My doctor said to relax and be happy about that, when I expressed concern that I hadn't gained the 5-10 pounds all the books recommend. I think that swimming has really helped me stay toned, while obviously some mass is moving to my middle, or else I'd be able to button my pants :)
Blood sugar-wise, my control is pretty darn good. However, every high reading sends me into a bit of a panic, worrying that the little one is being hurt in some way. The doctors have assured me that a solitary high reading isn't going to harm the baby... but still. I'm taking comfort in my latest A1c: 5.0. I guess all the testing and correcting works, even if there are some high blood sugars scattered in there.
At 9:15 AM,
Scott K. Johnson said…
5.0?! Holy Crap Kels! That is amazing!
At 3:35 PM,
meanderings said…
Congratulations on your pregnancy and reading your blog, it seems like you are determined to have a healthy baby - and so, you will. Sounds like you're doing a wonderful job as a future mom.
At 4:02 PM,
Kelsey said…
Thanks Scott :)
It's amazing what the motivation of a baby will do for your control!
At 5:57 PM,
If not a mother... said…
woot on the writing elsewhere!
At 10:42 AM,
Lyrehca said…
Indeed, nice A1c. And nice gig on writing about pregnancy for another blog!
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